Bespoke with Chris Despos, Pt. 4 – Final Fitting
Due to conflicting schedules it has taken a while for Chris and I to get together for another fitting. Thanks for your patience, and luckily because things went so well last time that this should be the last fitting. Here’s an update.

Bespoke with Chris Despos, Pt. 3 – Second Basted Fitting
So, a few weeks after I had my first basted fitting with Chris Despos I popped back up to Oak Street for another round. To make sure we get things as perfect as they can be, Chris and I opted for a second basted fitting before moving to the forward. Results are looking great so [...]

Bespoke with Chris Despos, Pt. 2 – First Basted Fitting
Last week I wrote about designing my first bespoke suit with Chicago’s Chris Despos. Chris called me up only a few days later to tell me he would have my first basted fitting ready Saturday. So I dropped by Oak Street and the suit is really starting to take shape.

Bespoke with Chris Despos, Pt. 1 – Measurements & Styling
Very exciting news: Chris Despos has kindly offered to help me give Simply Refined’s readers a closer look at the bespoke process by cutting me a suit. I’ll be chronicling the process here, including technical detail, my own reactions, and any tips I can humbly impart along the way. Here’s the first installment.