Cordovan Week – Color
It’s Friday, so time for some seriously lust-worthy shoes. Everyone knows cordovan comes in Colors #6 and #8. This is in fact responsible for the slippage of the word cordovan into being used for any shoe with a reddish-burgundy hue. The shoe fanatics know about the harder-to-find Ravello and Cigar, and things progress from there.
There is a rich array of colors produced by Horween and used by makers all over the globe. With the help of Leffot and Horween I’ve assembled a veritable rainbow of shell. There are some colors missing, including the elusive Color #2 and Dark Violet. If you have pictures, please feel free to either email me or just comment with a link. The more the merrier.
Without further ado, some handsome shoes to contemplate this weekend:
Special Thanks to Leffot and Horween for their help with Cordovan Week
and to Leffot and Rider Boot Co. for their fantastic images.
Gentleman's Gazette
July 5, 2011Thanks for pointing out that cordovan leather comes in a great variety of color and not just reddish-brown.
Cordovan Week – Care - Simply Refined
July 11, 2011[...] Next: Cordovan Colors [...]